Solutions - Efficient Private Clients
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We are changing the narrative for high-net worth individuals in South Africa. Our solutions combine superior structures with specialised products to generate consistently excellent results that are cost and tax-efficient. In doing this, we can create wealth for our clients.


EFPC Solutions – Our approach to stewarding wealth

We believe in truly holistic financial advice that considers a client’s wealth, health, and happiness across multiple generations. For this reason, our global investment specialists partner with advisors to co-create generational wealth for our clients. As market, economic, and planning experts, we assist clients in making better asset allocation decisions which include making use of superior solutions that combine investment products with superior structures.

The EFPC Solution for compulsory investments

This EFPC Solution consists of a structure and a product for compulsory investments. This solution is perfectly suited for individuals with a living annuity of more than R4 million. The EFPC Solution delivers consistently excellent results in a cost- and tax-efficient manner.

A Living Annuity

EFPC Best View Model Portfolio

The EFPC Solution for non-compulsory investments

The EFPC Solution for non-compulsory investments can be divided into two categories:
1.    Investors who want to invest between R1 million and R20 million, and
2.    Investors who want to invest more than R20 million.


Each one of these categories has its own superior solution consisting of a structure and a product to deliver consistently excellent results in a cost- and tax-efficient manner.


Investments between R1 million and R20 million

A Global Endowment at one of South Africa’s leading providers.

The benefits include: Avoiding SITUS taxes, and reducing capital gains tax from 18% to 12%.

EFPC Global Model Portfolio or EFPC Global Wealth Optimizer.

Investments that exceed R20 million

An EFPC Bolder Family Office

In this structure we set up a family office for our clients in an appropriate foreign jurisdiction. In doing so, we can externalise the ownership of assets and their revenue streams, improve returns, and reduce taxes substantially. By doing this, we can create wealth for our clients.

EFPC Global Model Portfolio or EFPC Global Wealth Optimizer.